The early bird gets the worm when there is no competition.
1,512,246 visitors in 8 days.
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Translates to $9,268.05 in earnings.

I told you how last post... it's money season folks.
Most of you ignored me. Hot topics are not glamorous - they are not long term - and they won't make you famous.
But I don't really care... they make money.
Sorry I haven't had time to get to the comments... been a tad busy.
(before you all ask - there were 3 celebrity centered events this past week and I'll say no more)
For two days I have been getting a constant stream of "experts" from Digital Point filling my inbox with troll crap - the usual "nobody will tell you how to make money online for free", "he must be selling something", "it's a fake" and so on. It is ironic that DP and Warrior are full of people flogging crap and noobs looking for answers and yet when someone mentions that you can learn everything you need to make money online for free just by reading a blog the trolls come out in force. It says a lot about the mentality online and why people don't succeed - a smart cookie might wonder how a PR0 free Blogger blog ranks on top of the make money online niche and do a little reading. The losers will never figure it out but it doesn't stop them from voicing their noob opinions.
For your entertainment folks... Digital Point Drivel
March 18 - Update. There is a new post on the Adsense blog for those who have been waiting - the feed update won't go out until the morning.
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