How much spam do you get? If you are using Blogger you probably don't get much - if any. I don't. Not so with wordpress blogs though.
Look at my spam from my Make Money Online wordpress blog.
Click all images to enlarge.

Check out this loser...

The highlighted spam is from the dipsh*t who is responsible for most of the crap you see in your spam folder each day. If you don't see the irony then let me spell it out for you - this Trackback spamming software that he sells and others use doesn't work. His own spam talking about how his software can fool the anti-spam software like Akismet didn't fool ummmm... Akismet.
A lesson for all you aspiring spammers - pay attention because you are all noobs and haven't learned how to do a little research before wasting both your time and money on all the crap being pedaled online by arse-wipes like the owner of Submit Trackback. Never mind that this nose-wipe couldn't get past Askimet using his product - his own website is a failure which should tell you just how ineffective his product is.

This joker also brags about ranking #1 for the term "trackback software" which is funny as a quick check on Keyword Elite and Google's Keyword Tool shows no searches for that term.
I have talked about this before - before you buy anything that promises to drive traffic to your site or claims to teach you SEO or guarantees you a higher PR check out the site selling the product. Here is a prime example of what to look for. This website sells nothing but spamming crap including the Submit Trackback software just mentioned. The site is called and I love outing this kind of sh*t.

If a site tells you how to rank number one in Google for a term like "How to Make Money" then they had better rank number 1 on Google or pretty damn close. If they do then maybe you should listen to them - if they don't then find the site that does. (hehe...)
If a site tells you to buy something from them then at least check to see if the product worked for the seller - 99.9% of the time it doesn't so save your money.
So does spamming make money online?
And the sooner you noobs, who get sucked into this learn it - the better.
Alright - enough fun for one day - down to business.
The Asia'h Contest is Done.
I'm trying to give away $500 bucks and I need the paypal emails from the top three ranking sites for my Asia'h Epperson contest. It is officially over and while no one outranked me I still want to give away the cash.
At the moment I have heard from Elliot who sits in 8th spot with his Squidoo Lens
All those who attempted this contest get your results into me by Saturday November 15.
(Who knew giving away money could be so hard?)
email me with Asia'h in the subject line here Grizzly
That's it - except for a quick shout out to a new friend in Ireland that I have been getting to know over at Vic's Affiliate Academy. Dave has a quick wit and has just launched a new site called Niche Renegade and I want to wish him well.
On a related note Courtney Tuttle has been missing in action for a while and has come out swinging with a brand new site. He and long time collaborator Mark have just launched a new blog catering to a topic close to my heart - Keywords. Check them out at The Keyword Academy
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